

Page history last edited by Jared 6 years, 10 months ago

Applied Criteria (UNDER DEVELOPMENT)

The criteria we (Team 1 Fall 2017) use to evaluate our research, and the elements of the shower design have been broken down into two categories. “Necessary”, which we believe are extremely important moving forward, and “Useful”, which are important ideas to keep in mind as further progress is made.



ADA standards

These must be carefully considered in design of every aspect of the shower. Based on the ADA standards that we have some necessary criteria for us would include size and clearances, roll-in shower compartments, and grab bars (or some form of stability) for roll-in showers. Failure to do this will result in a product that will not meet these standards and cannot be approved for use or sale to the public.  See Fall 2017 Report 1 for a current breakdown of ADA standards that apply. 



Ron Wilson suggested targeting a median price range of 1500$. This should be carefully considered as some similar shower designs on the market cost half of that, we found some as low as 600$, though others were on par with that price. We figured it would be a good idea to identify any quality or design competitors and attempt to compete with their prices.

Initially our product may come in under our target sale price of 1500$. However as the product is improved and features and options added the price may eventually come up to Ron’s desire of a 1500$ product.

Additionally, we are researching the costs of a prototype as well as costs for a manufactured product.


Modularity and Quick Assembly

Ron Wilson suggested each component be foldable (ideally) in 4.  

Complete (Dis)Assembly in under 5 minutes


Adaptability as an Assistive Device?  Or Adaptive Device?

The main criteria that Ron Wilson, Jared Grogan, and each team had decided upon was the ability of the product to adapt to users needs and situations. As an assistive device (see Fall 2017, Report 2 for a discussion of insurance requirements) the shower must adapt to specific locations that use a faucet, and sink.  It needs also to be be storable in existing homes and apartments with limited space. It needs to be designed with at gold standard in usability.

·Adaptability should also be of value to Nursing homes and hospitals that could have an interest in the product as a possible backup device to existing facilities should malfunction occur.

Quality of Materials: Durability, Strength

This is important to Ron Wilson in the sense that he wants to produce a durable and quality product to ease the burden on wheelchair bound persons.  It needs materials that can are durable while withstanding varying amounts of weight and water. The base should be able to support a minimum of 650lbs. A few of the shower wheelchairs researched had a weight of 30-45 lbs with capacities ranging from 250-400lbs. It can be a reasonably safe assumption to assume that the weight being supported will rarely exceed 500lbs.


Compatibility with existing systems

A universal female connection will have to be used to make sure that the water can be pumped at a constant pressure from existing faucet designs.

·       An important part of designing the shower base is that we have to take into consideration the space that the shower will occupy. This is in terms of the size of the shower chair being used but also the size of the room that the shower is located in.



Ease of prototype

Will give us an idea of what we may need to change or modify in regards to shower upon examination of a working physical prototype in front of us. A physical object will give investors, manufacturers, and so forth a representation of the product that they will be involved with.


Ease of manufacture

Will help reduce production cost and allow the product to be sold at a competitive price point. It is known however that the initial start up costs and production may be more expensive than desired but can be brought down as the process is streamlined.



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